Day 24 Christamsas Eve: This day is the first important eating of the christmas. Is a dinner. I was go to my uncle's house, with my cosins my grandfathers and my fathers. We play games and have funny but the principal reason because we were here is it the eating with the family.
Day 25 Christmas day: This day is the same of th anterior but for lunch. There are many people in this day give gifts but in Catalunya is for the day 6 of january.
Day 26 Sant Esteve: this day was only lunch and is it with the family.
Day 31 the last day of the year: And we are in the last day of the year 2016. All of this day as normal but when arrive the night all the people think in go to dinner and eating the grapes and this is I will do go with my cosins to eating the dinner and when was 12 o'clock try to eating the 12 grapes in 12 seconds chose was inpossible for my.
And this the start of Christmas holidays and the ending of the year 2016.